Out With The Old, In With The New

“A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye.”-Unknown

This is officially the last week of summer before we usher in the autumnal equinox. As we wave goodbye to summer, we can use this week to reflect on lessons learned, things accomplished, and what we desire for the upcoming season. It is never easy saying goodbye to the warm weather, summer vacations, and family time; however, Autumn is one of my favorite seasons of the year, which gives me time to slow down, rest, and hit reset. 

When I think of Autumn, I think of days becoming shorter, nights becoming longer, and spending more time reading, getting cozy, and drinking hot cocoa and tea. As Autumn begins, it is a time of abundance, harvest, and starting something new. In the last few months, I have been transforming from the old version and diving into a softer side of myself. I no longer wanted to cultivate hardship, suffering, and struggle. It was time to embody my new version, leading me to a softer, carefree, and refined lifestyle. And so, I decided to let go of summer gracefully and welcome Autumn with open arms. 

Simply letting go of the old and ushering in the new… 

Here are a few ways you can celebrate the arrival of the Autumn season:

Make a list of your favorite Fall movies.

Make a list of books you want to read.

Research local events, festivals, and concerts in your area.

Decorate your home for the Fall season.

Declutter your closet and determine what new pieces you will add to your Fall wardrobe.

Grocery shop for your favorite tea or hot cocoa.

Create an Autumn playlist. (check out mine here: https://tinyurl.com/wz9ad4f2 )

Love Notes….

A New Year Doesn’t Mean New You

Access podcast episode here: https://tinyurl.com/w7uxrcfj

With every New Year, we are excited about the idea of newness, new beginnings, and having a fresh start; however, we can naively believe a new year means a new us.

To become an exceptional version of who we are meant to be, we must first accept that the new year will not change our behaviors. Change starts with self-awareness of destructive patterns, which keep us in To become an exceptional version of who we are meant to be, we must first accept that the new year will not change our behaviors. . Our responsibility is to do the inner healing and work to produce a new us in each new year.

Below I have insightful questions you can ask yourself to peel back the layers of patterns that keep you from walking into the new year as a new you. (To create a more in-depth experience, journal your answers to the questions)

  1. What repetitive cycles have I carried into each new year?
  2. What intentional steps am I willing to take to create change?
  3. Who do I desire to become in the next year?
  4. What am I willing to let go of (people, places & things) to become an extraordinary version of myself?
  5. What one action step can I take today towards my future?

Dream A New Dream

You can access this podcast episode here: https://youtu.be/xQANKbxAmO0 `

Recently, I had to confront the idea of letting go of my old life to move forward to create a new life. When I look at the life I am currently living; I realize I am residing in a dream I have outgrown. A couple of years ago, I declared what I wanted and how I wanted to live without realizing that I am living my dream now. 

Sometimes it is hard to let go of our old dreams because we have become stuck in a comfort zone. I have learned there is nothing extraordinary that grows within a comfort zone. Comfort zones are where fear, stagnancy, and unfulfillment reside because we begin to let the doubts infiltrate our minds like fungus on bread crust. And when the fungus starts to spread, it creates an infection. 

As we voyage through life, we should constantly challenge ourselves to set new goals and dream new dreams. When we create new standards for our lives, we are daring to dream big, go higher and not settle for what appears to be comforting. Like I mentioned before, comfort zones are great, but nothing phenomenal will grow there.

To live a daring, phenomenal, and iconic life, you have to be willing to dream bigger and evolve higher. What old dream, old life are you ready to let go to create a new vision for your life?

Below are three concepts to help you develop your new vision for your life.

  1. Make Peace With The Past. We often don’t want to move forward because we think our past or things in the past are better for us. But when you realize that your present and future life have more incredible moments, you will bide the past farewell. 
  2. Break up with your fears. Don’t allow your fears to stop you from living an extraordinary life. 
  3. Write down a new vision. Writing your dreams, ideas, or goals in a journal is a great way to hold yourself accountable to produce your extraordinary life. 

After you have put one of these concepts in motion, I believe it will motivate you to dream bigger, raise the bar and never settle for a life that doesn’t set your soul on fire.

Why Being Basic Won’t Do…


The Corona Virus issue has made us feel so many emotions with the ebb and flow of uncertainty; staying at home has become the new normal. This new normal has caused America to put everything on pause where being still is the cure. Many schools have closed around the world, people are now working from home, and some people no longer have a job. Although it can seem to be an uncomfortable time for the world, confronted with the reality that this is the time to let go of things no longer serve our lives.

In America, we are taught that being busy and living life on auto-pilot is acceptable. We choose to operate in a world encumber with a fast-food mentality, a microwave vision for our lives. The self-quarantine gives everyone a chance to slow down, saunter, and come to a shimmer. We no longer can follow the crowd but is challenged to do something different. I believe in this time of  the shutdown, we will not go back to normal.

This transformation will cause us to become a better version of our self. We can start by self-reflecting in every area of our lives. For me, it has taught me the valuable lesson of living in the present moment.

People’s lives are being transformed because we are now finding our passion, spending time with family, connecting with friends, and doing things we were too busy to do. When the curtain rises off this center stage play we call COVID-19, how will we move forward? Will everyone go back to being “basic” or will we embrace our new normal?

Below are three ways we can release ourselves from the “basic life” to the “extraordinary life.”

1. Write The Vision. While being at home, this is a perfect time to write a plan for yourself to make some changes in your life. (Ex: If you decide to start your business now is the time to create your website, draft a business plan, etc.)

2. Execute. There is no time like the present to start being intention by putting action in your new life. Use this time to start capitalizing on not being at work. (Ex: If you are working from home, let your paycheck build up, so when all this comes to an end, you will have enough saved to live your job.)

3. Live. Before the Corona Virus, many of us were going through the motions of life; however, with the shutdown of social events and going out; we will be more present in our lives. We will have more fun living life versus existing in it.

In the end, I am optimistic the self-quarantine will bring out a better America, where we are healing, there is more joy, peace, kindness & love to spread!


The Importance of Reinventing Yourself…


In the last three months I can truly say I have been on an inner personal journey . I am learning how to face my fears, be vulnerable and communicate in an authentic way. Nonetheless, each journey has introduced me to a different me. I am evolving out of my cocoon and flourishing into a beautiful butterfly. I know as I evolve reinvention becomes an important part of the journey. Reinvention is the key to growth in life.

If you think about it companies are always reinventing their brands to appeal to different demographics. Companies take time to reassess what has worked for their brand and what has not worked for them. Just like a company, we should always reassess ourselves to see what methods in our lives are working and which ones need to be eliminated. Reinvention is the answer to transforming our lives into something new.

Below I will share three concepts on why reinventing yourself is so important.

1) Pain changes you. When we endure a tragedy in our lives it has the power to change us. I remember in 2007 when my two-year old daughter died it changed my life forever.  The power of losing a loved one changed my perspective on life. Pain causes you to step back, assess your lose and recreate a better you.


2) Starting Over. Sometimes it is hard to start over but starting over gives you a new outlook on life. It opens you up to many possibilities of living a life of adventure.


3) Nothing grows from a comfort zone. If you find yourself frustrated, irritated or annoyed nine times out of ten you are outgrowing the space you occupy. Many people allow fear to keep them hostage to their comfort zone. The biggest thing I have learned is that comfort zones are great but nothing phenomenal or extraordinary grows out of them.



Pain, starting over and escaping your comfort zone are essential things that help you reinvent your life. Reinventing yourself is important so it can unlock extraordinary things. So today, I challenge you to evolve past the norm and be intentional about reinventing an area of your life that seems stagnant. Once you begin the process you will  see life from a different perspective!

Reinventing The Blog

Hello Fellow Readers,

I would like to thank all  the readers who have been apart of our community for the last five years. Since the blog has moved from Blogger to WordPress it is my desire to not only have readers but it also a goal to create engaging content for the reader. As we create the content you love we hope you also signup for our blog post so it can arrive directly to your inbox.

The Inspirational Corner is noted as a blog to help women evolve into their authenticity. In the past we have geared our articles toward personal development however, in this new reinvention we will now create short story series once a month. The short story series will assist me in the development of writing my up and coming romance novel.

It is important to know our stories will  be in correlation with our mission, to provide content to inspire women. The short story series will have a theme each month. Soon we will survey our audience to see what content you would like to read for the short story series.

Our first short story series will be available in the Fall after we have completed our research and survey. It is important to give you (the reader) exactly what you desire. It is our goal to inspire you and assist you in the journey of connecting with your authentic self.


Stylicia A. Bowden, The Inspirational Corner Founder

Romancing The Stone of Your Life

It was obvious I was lost in translation on this path of finding my purpose. I spent years trying to search for what fulfilled my soul but I was clueless. I needed something to reignite my fire. What was I missing? Uhm….it dawned on me, I was missing passion.

If I could retrace my steps, I lost my passion at the end of 2006 while stationed in South Carolina. A series of negative things kept happening in my life and consequently South Carolina became my arch nemesis. I truly wonder why I chose such an isolated place away from all the people & things I loved.

When I finally finished my 9yrs of military service I was left with the decision to leave or stay. Honestly, I wanted to run as far away from here as I could but I was hurting. I needed a fresh start but I didn’t believe this would be the place of my new beginnings. However, God’s plans for my life was greater than I could imagine.

So, the journey started as the walls came tumbling down brick by brick each layer exposed a deeper part of my pain. I was left naked with the pure ugliness of who I became over the last several years.

While I kicked and screamed my way through the journey I became tired of the misery. I was tired of the circle of insanity and often begged the Lord to let me leave South Carolina. I was angry; I wanted God to tell me why I was here. But I had no idea that all the misfortunes were just preparing me for my purpose. I was challenged to romance the stones in my life and change them into diamonds.

It’s funny; as much as I wanted to leave God used this place of transition as a place for me to become whole. Whatever, I thought I was looking for found me. And as I continue to heal I am feeling more alive everyday embracing the passion that sets my soul on fire!

Create Your Fabulous Life!

I believe it is important to have a life that you are proud of when you start to reflect on all the things you accomplished in it. So often, people live to work instead of work to live. Their life is consumed with a monotonous routine of misery. They stop believing in living their dream and work becomes slavery. In the back of their minds they want more but fear the reality of not being able to pursue what they initially love. 

I can vividly remember the day I wanted to get out the rate race and start living a life that was more genuine to the person I wanted to be. I was tired of running after a paycheck week after week just to end up with nothing left to show for it. Once I began to pursue what I love my load became lighter and I became a lot happier. Since, the beginning of this year I decided to fearlessly pursue my dream and create the lifestyle I always desired. In the pursuit of living a fabulous life it has challenged me to believe in myself, have faith that God will provide and know living my purpose and passion is important. When you decide to start living your dream and stop fearing the unknown understand their will be opposition but the more you pursue the life you really want the closer your purpose will align in your life.

If you are tired of living an ordinary life and truly want to know the power in creating a fabulous life check out the tips below to help you on your journey.

1. Make A Decision. Don’t be indecisive have the courage to make the decision to let go of your miserable life to embrace the life you want.

2. Tread Slowly. Once you make a practical decision that you want a better life get a plan to work towards your goal. Make an effort to work on your goals daily and make sure you take the time to write them down. Create a realistic time table to complete each goal.

3. Be Quiet. Don’t announce your decision immediately. Take the time to skillfully complete everything on your list before you announce the decision to the people that will be effected by it. 

4. Be Fearless. We all fear things but it is moving in spite of the fear that will help you conquer it. No matter how much your fear the unknown move in the pursuit of your fabulous life no matter what.

5. Vision Boards Do Work. After you have written the vision make an effort to post the vision before you. Create a vision board to represent the life you desire, you can also do a vision board party to make it fun. 

In order to create a fabulous life you need the confidence to believe you can accomplish it. If you want a boost of self-confidence check out my newly released eBook here: http://www.theinspirationalcorner.net/p/ebooks.html 

Leap Into Your 2016!

She wanted her life to change but she was doing the same things producing recyclable results. Everything in her life was stale because she was on the train of insanity. She wanted to jump off the train  so she could catch another one leading her somewhere else. She knew this insanity train had ran its final course. So, she decided to be brave and leap to start a new beginning. It was time to do new things, take different risk and make different investments. Once she started the process she realized she became a different person because fear was behind her while faith stood in front of her.  

The above scenario is all too familiar for me because I was the girl who over analyzed everything. I wanted to live life but was scared of making the wrong decisions. I envied those who took a leap without second guessing every move. I needed something different to happen in my life. The only way things would change if I made different investments to produce a different outcome. So, in 2016 I am leaping even though we are only two months into this year my life has changed. 

You may wonder, how did my life change? Well, I stopped recycling the same unproductive things in my mind. Every year ended the same way because nothing in me really changed. My life had been a constant struggle since I got out the military. However, I could use my youngest daughter’s death and every other tragic thing that happen to me as an excuse to be miserable but I won’t.

True enough, my life has not been a bed of roses but this year I decided to make different choices to get different results. I thought I was living life but to be honest I was not because fear was my best friend. I understand now that life is beautiful when you start to leap. Yes, it is always good to use wisdom, pray or whatever you have to do to feel at peace about taking a risk. But sometimes you only get a once in a lifetime chance to make a decision that can change your life. I started to understand people are scared to take a risk because they love being comfortable. Nothing will ever grow from your state of comfort. In order, to really live life you have to step out of your comfort zone and be okay with being uncomfortable.

My journey has just started but I can no longer go back to the black hole of existing. The hole of existing is a deep depressing miserable place to be. I encourage you to take a leap in your life and watch how many blessings come your way!

Below are three proven ways you can start to Leap:

1) Be like Nike & Just Do It! If you want to go to Paris, quit your job, go to college, travel around the world or anything else I encourage you to just do it. Get a plan and start executing living the life you desire. 

2) Invest In You. Investing in yourself will increase your confidence. Confidence gives you a sense of guts to conquer everything you desire. Start to make an investment in yourself so you can get the best possible profit.

3) Keep It Simple. Simplicity is bliss don’t feel the need to over complicate things by over analyzing things. Over analyzing will cause you to miss out on a wonderful life.

These three steps will help you jump start your Leap Year. If you need more motivation go to this link http://tinyurl.com/juqhsq3   topurchase my new eBook as I help you gain the confidence you need to live the life you deserve. 

Photo credit https://higherdensity.wordpress.com/tag/matt-kahn/  

The Emerging Of The Butterfly

Like the Walls of Jericho, I couldn’t breathe everything around me suffocated me. I wanted to know what it felt like to be able to breathe fresh air without breathing in toxicity. The toxins that embraced me was the uncomfortable feeling of being comfortable.

It was time to let myself be free, free enough to live the life I deserve. I could no longer do it where I was living. In true honesty I outgrew the comfort zone. Self discovery was inevitable so enticing that I had to take a splash. In this moment, a twilight zone premonition was taking over me.

Many of us feel the temptation to exist outside the bubble but we fear the unknown. I use to be in that bubble of comfort but it made me nauseated. Once I started doing things that were authentic to my character I floated further and further away from the bubble. What is this bubble I talk about ? Your Comfort Zone….

Self- discovery usually happens when every familiar thing is taken away from you. After exiting the military I settled in a place that I did not want to be but God’s plan was greater. He used a desolate place to help me find the amazing woman I was inside. I didn’t realize this girl existed but once all the layers were peeled aside a beautiful butterfly emerged. Now as I discover more of who I am the desolate place has become a place I am outgrowing.
In the voyage of self-discovery you grow which makes a comfortable place uncomfortable. Eventually, a caterpillar has to emerge from its cocoon to become a butterfly. The butterfly has to fly away to a place they can enlarge their territory and spread their wings.

Be willing to self-discover the butterfly within you !