Create More, Consume Less

Consumption has been at an all-time high in America, where the temptation to do more, buy more & work harder is encouraged. No matter where we go, we are consumed with technology, marketing & so much more.

Recently, I decided to reassess how much I’m consuming and how intentional I am at creating things in my life. I discovered that I’ve been spending too much time-consuming. So I decided to monitor what I’m consuming & see where I can create more.

As I monitor my consumption, I understand why my creativity is stagnant, especially in producing my next book project.

Creativity is the gatekeeper of helping our imagination evolve. Without time to nourish creativity, we become stagnant in our mindset. We begin to lose the joy of reigniting our childlike nature.

So what can we do to create more & consume less?

The first step is to be aware of what you are consuming, why you are consuming & it is hindering or helping you. Consumption in moderation is vital.

The second step is to figure out why you avoid nourishing your creativity. I realized avoidance of what you need to do leads to mindless consumption. Avoiding what needs to be done is easier than confronting the root of the problem. 

The third step is to set boundaries and time management around how much you consume through shopping, social media, or being connected to technology. It is okay to detox and disconnect from information overload. 

After completing these steps you can begin to start making space for your creativity. Overall, creating is about enjoyment, connection, letting things flow and allowing yourself to have space to implement things that bring you joy.

How To Be A Misfit In A World Full of Copycats….

You can listen to this episode here:

Same thoughts, ideas, body types, looks & hair, a world that encourages duplication versus originality has become a place filled with clones. Diversity shouldn’t be limited to a person’s race or culture, but variety includes all types of people from different backgrounds, mindsets, and philosophies. The world becomes a beautiful place when everyone is inspired to embrace their inner genius. 

Embracing your genius can make others classify you as a weirdo, quirky, rebel, or misfit. However, these classifications are an indication of society’s misunderstanding of who you really are. In the webster’s dictionary, the word misfit is best described as a person who is not suited or cannot adjust to the circumstances of his or her particular situation. I define a misfit as a person who doesn’t allow their environment to dictate who or what they should be in the world.

When you think about the word icon or legend, I am sure you think of a person who defied the odds, created and broke some rules in their life’s journey. I believe the world becomes predictable and boring when we try to fit everyone into the same model. The beauty of life is breaking the rules, creating your own rules, and living life on your own terms.

Below I have a couple of tips on how you can embrace your inner misfit, break the rules and be the outcast you were truly meant to be.

  1. Recognize your unique abilities. Spend time on learning the things that make you different or set apart.
  2. Tap into your inner genius. We all have a hidden inner genius; however, many of us don’t take the time to figure out how our mind works.
  3. Be okay with being misunderstood. The best way to be embrace who you are is by going on a journey of discovery with self-love, self-confidence, and self-acceptance.

The Lost Art of Hobbies…

Access this podcast episode here:

Once upon a time, we lived in a world filled with hobbies that gave us enjoyment and pleasure. But as life began to shift, we became consumed with the grind and social media, turning every possible thing into a business or side hustle.

And in this world of Instagram, Tik Tok, and every other social media platform (where in reality it has taken us away from social connection), we find that we are not enjoying hobbies, but we are constantly promoting the next business venture. So I ask you, what happens to the simplicity, ease, and the delight of doing things because they bring us joy?

Today, I knew I needed to make a list of my hobbies because I believe my hobbies and business ventures have merged. In the merge, I have found the repugnant stem of burn-out, exhaustion, and tiredness. I know it is time for me to let go of burn-out and embrace the joy of having hobbies for pure pleasure.

It is important to have hobbies because they give us time to refresh, rejuvenate and recalibrate our mind, body, and spirit. When we are in a hustle mindset, grind and promoting every business venture, we hit a wall of stagnancy.

Stagnancy creates staleness because there is no movement for growth or exploration. As human beings, we expand, flow, and grow every day of our lives; however, if we are entertaining the hustle all day, where can we begin to institute the power of play?

I have found the answer, and it is simply letting go of the idea that every skill, talent, or passion has to be a business. So, below are a couple of ways you can define your hobbies and reconnect to the power of fun and enjoyment.

  1. Make a list of your hobbies. (If it does not bring you pleasure or enjoyment, do not put it on your list).
  2. Make a list of your business ventures or businesses you want to create. ( If it does not make you feel excited or purposeful, do not put it on the list).
  3. Pick one hobby you can incorporate into your life on a daily or weekly basis. (When you began to add your pleasures into your weekly routine, it will stimulate your creativity or creative juices.)

Become the Picasso of Your Life

become the picasso of your life

In 2019, I realized to have a different year I needed to become the painter in my own life. So often I have allowed other people to paint their ideas, opinions, and theology for my life which resulted in forgery. Allowing others to paint on the canvas of your life causes fraudulent creations because you are letting them put their vision into action. It is essential to create a vision for your life and be the creator of it. When you put other people into the driver seat of your life it causes chaos. I am learning that when I have a vision, I can’t expect people to understand it or co-sign on it.

A vision is something that gives you clarity about the goals you want to accomplish. When you are not clear about the idea for your life society will cloud your judgment with their perspective. In 2019, it is time for you to take back the paintbrush and begin generating your life masterpiece.

Below I have three specific ways you can become the Picasso of your own life!

1.Create The Vision: Whether it is a vision board, vision journal or collage take the time to define your vision, this will help you see your goals clearly. Then you will be able to create action steps to accomplish them.

2.Stop Explaining Yourself: I have learned the hard way that sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut. When you prematurely share your dreams, aspirations or goals with others sometimes it can discourage you if their input is not what you wanted to hear. True, we want everyone to be excited about our goals, our life and dreams but understand everyone will not understand the blueprint of your life. God individually designed your life to fit you and others validation is never needed.

3.Creativity is Messy: Understand that the road of life is not a straight line but filled with dead ends, detours and u-turns. When you are handed a blank canvas to create the vision for your dream life know that being flexible is essential. Many artist create beautiful masterpieces by understanding the first stages are messy.



How do you plan to become the Picasso of your life in 2019? (Leave your comment below…)

Hygge for the Holidays…..


Slowing down……such a foreign concept to me for several years until I settled down in the south. As a single mom slowing down is a challenge everyday because there is always something to do on the checklist. However, in the last two years I have been challenged to slow down and really embrace the present moment. The present moment is crystallized by focusing on the now. The “now” moments are the moments we can never gain back. If this is true, then why do we rush through one event to the next?

Lately, I have been intrigued with going a lot slower in my everyday life. It has made a big difference in my mindset. Although, the holidays are here I am truly embracing slow motion. In my pursuit of this new lifestyle I have came across the word hygge (hoo-gah) practiced by the Danish culture. This lifestyle is a Danish concept that has been popping up everywhere I go. I can’t remember exactly where I heard it but I have been researching a little deeper about this concept. For a long time there was no formal definition for this word however, more Americans have become aware of this concept.


The holidays is great time to practice this Danish concept especially since Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner. I don’t believe in putting concepts in a box so you have the power to rearrange it the way it fits your life. For example, hygge to me is drinking hot cocoa, tea or wine during the winter months, watching a movie, reading a book and spending some quality time with my daughter.

No matter what concept, tradition or non-tradition you practice slowing down and enjoying the moment should be apart of your daily regiment.

Here is a book I am currently reading check it out in Stylicia’s Reads.

Be Brave.

Mediocrity does not fit you well. It is the enemy of your comfortable life and mind. You have gifts, skills and abilities to change the world but you fear rejection, lack of provision and wonder if you are good enough. While you allow mediocrity to keep you in your comfort zone you are missing out on how extraordinary your life can really be. So, it’s time to let go of mediocrity and get out of your own way. It’s time to become GREATNESS!

How often does being mediocre stop you from being the greatness you were born to be? I understand you wonder if what you really want to do can financially provide for all your human needs. You question yourself and wonder can you really be successful in following your passion and purpose. All, I can say is that I have recently been faced with these plaguing thoughts about being a full-time writer.

A couple of weeks ago I had one of my good friends tell me that I was in my own way of succeeding. She let me know that the gift I had was God sent and I needed to pursue it. She further explained how I was choosing what was easy due to fear of me being rejected and not believing in my own greatness. So, all I could do is listen to her and agree because her words were just the motivation I needed to believe in myself.

After leaving the military my career life took me down a path of self-discovery. I discovered that I wanted to get back to the love of writing and pursue it as a full-time career. I no longer wanted to dream about being a full-time writer but I wanted to live this dream. Since I was a child it was always my dream to write and travel around the world.

At a young age I wrote endless, short stories, poems, plays, songs and more. Writing is not only my passion but it is also my purpose. So, why was I not brave enough to do what I love? The answer was simple I was fearful of the opinions of others. Many times I have heard people say writing is not a real job. And I somewhat allowed this statement to resonate in my mind, playing over and over again like a scratched record.  

However, I fail to understand that the words we believe about our self shape our reality. The reality for me is, I am not a 9 to 5 Monday through Friday person. I am a creative soul who needs freedom, variety and flexibility. I understand I have to embrace my eccentricity. I can no longer reject pieces of myself to keep a mediocre life. I made the decision to put on my cape of bravery and pursue what I love.

The greatest lesson I am learning on this journey is no one will give you opportunities you have to be brave enough to create your own. And you have to believe in your greatness no matter how many opinions are stacked against you. In order to soar with eagles you have to be brave enough to leave the nest.

So, what you need to do to get out your own way, invest in your greatness and make the decision to be brave?

Being boring is a choice and being brave is an adventure choose wisely!

Picture Reference: Google Image Search

Tis’ The Season to Be Colorful

Do not be a drab, be fab & colorful! ~Stylicia~

Fall has quickly slipped in and summer has gracefully left us. However, now that summer is gone the autumn weather will seep in with cooler temperatures forcing us to put on more layers of clothes. Summer exhibits a wide spectrum of bright colors while autumn  tends to bring in the lackluster of colors ranging from blue, black and gray. But this season you do not have to look like a drab for the autumn season because bold colors have taken form for Fall/Winter 2012. During the New York Fashion week bold bright and edgy colors ripped the runaway at the beginning of this year. So, this season its time to take out those bold colors to  implement them in your fall/winter wardrobe. Vibrant colors bring sexiness, fun and joy  into your personality. I decided that color would be my best friend in this season as I introduced it slowly into my fall/winter collection . It is fun to learn new ways to have fun with your fashion wardrobe. Recently, I realized I love loafers, this will be my signature style for the fall/winter months. I decided to use scarves as a colorful neck accessory for this season as well. If you are clueless on how to implement color gracefully and tastefully in your wardrobe this season I will provide a couple of helpful tips to get you in the game! If you are ready to start the journey of color follow the tips below to get you on the move.

Here are the following helpful fashion tips for adding color to your style.

1) Keep It Simple. I realize less is more so slowly add a splash of color in your fall/winter 2012 wardrobe by wearing a colorful scarf around your neck. Make sure the scarf is the only thing that stands out in your wardrobe. Try new colors you never tried before you never know what will work for your skin tone. 

2) Be Colorblind. Do not be scared to mix up colors in your wardrobe. Have fun color- blocking this fall/winter season.

3) Colorful Worldwide. Be bold and add color internationally in your wardrobe from your hats, shoes to clothes and even makeup. It would be good to take a shopping buddy with you that will help you figure out what colors accent your best features. When it comes to makeup make sure you treat yourself to the MAC makeup counter.

4) Color Me Bad. Have the confidence to wear any color…step out & own your colorful wardrobe palette. 

5) Create Your Mood With Colors. Every color has a meaning find out the meaning to create a certain mood with the color you want to wear. For instance, purple is the color for royalty. So if you want to feel like a queen for a day wear purple. 

The Meaning of Colors:

Color Meaning
RED: warmth, love, anger, danger, boldness, excitement, speed, strength, energy, determination, desire, passion, courage
ORANGE: cheerfulness, low cost, affordability, enthusiasm, stimulation, creativity, aggression, food
YELLOW: attention-grabbing, comfort, liveliness, cowardliness, hunger, optimism, overwhelm, Summer, comfort, liveliness, intellect, happiness, energy, conflict
GREEN: durability, reliability, environmental, luxurious, optimism, well-being, nature, calm, relaxation, Spring, safety, honesty, optimism, harmony, freshness
BLUE: peace, professionalism, loyalty, reliability, honor, melancholia, boredom, coldness, Winter, depth, stability, professionalism,  honor, trust
PURPLE: power, royalty, nobility, elegance, sophistication, artificial, luxury, mystery, royalty, elegance, magic
GRAY: conservatism, traditionalism, intelligence, serious, dull, uninteresting
BROWN: relaxing, confident, casual, reassuring, nature, earthy, solid, reliable, genuine, Autumn, endurance
BLACK: Elegance, sophistication, formality, power, strength, illegality, depression, morbidity, night, death
WHITE: Cleanliness, purity, newness, virginity, peace, innocence, simplicity, sterility, snow, ice, cold


After all is said & done have fun with colors because this is the season to be a rainbow of joy, laughter, prosperity & fun! 

The Power Of Creativity

A person that has the power to create but stifles the ability by being passive injures the sanctity of creativity. ~Stylicia~ 

Everyone has an innate ability and power to create or produce something greater than their current situation. However, creativity is connected to our soul where thoughts, ideas, concepts and innovation springs alive in our heart. Creativity is best describe to be something or someone who has a sense of genius. They evoke their creativity by producing a visual perception of life. We often connect creativity to being an artist, poet, singer, dancer or designer but creativity is far beyond those activities. God has given everyone the ability to create because if you can visualize it then you can create it. A person that is deemed a creator has a vision and uses his/her words to produce the atmosphere that they desire. If you feel stuck or stagnant in your life then you have not be assertive about tapping into your creativity. You may have allowed distractions to fog your vision and  take you off course. However, in order to tap into your creative power you have to begin to understand the power of creativity. God created the heavens and earth by speaking into existence his visualization of the world (Genesis 1). Visualizing is an important part of creating because it help you produce the atmosphere you see. If you can imagine the life you dream of and clearly see it then the power of creativity can flourish from your vision. Also speaking the words of life will stimulate the growth of your creativity because it will produce the visualization. Words have a powerful connection in creativity because words are the foundation of creating. If you visualize but never speak of the visual stimuli then it lies dormant in your spirit. Some people have no idea of the power of creativity because they often visualize or dream but never speak the words to create the life they desire. In order to start producing the life you often visualize you first have to understand the steps in tapping into your creativity and then activate your power to produce the life you desire. So, below are quick steps to follow to inspire you to tap into the power of creativity to manufacture the life you desire and often dream of:

1. Blockage: The first step is understand what is blocking your visualization or perception of what you see…(i.e fear, torment, low self esteem, people, distractions, passiveness etc.)

2. Identify the distractions: Understand what is it that take you off course and once you pinpoint the “distracting agent” then find ways to discipline your focus by seeing the “BIG PICTURE”!

3.  Power of Words: In order to create you must attach words to your visual perception so make a list of words that identify with what you see or what you dream of…Make sure the words are a conducive to the atmosphere you wish to create. For example, I visualize myself living in Paris so the words I will attach to my visual perception is: love, muse, traveling, excitement, exploration, Eiffel Tower, French  etc. 

4. Activate: Once you practice the three steps mentioned above then it is time to activate your creative power by being assertive about creating your atmosphere. 
  • Research- You can start by researching on the Internet, buying books or going to the library to get information. 
  • Collect data-Demographics, Statistics etc.  
  • Connect- Start connecting with people who are living the life you desire or have experienced the life you often dream about. Surround yourself with like minded people. 
After you have successfully completed the following steps to guide you then you will be eager to activate the power of your creativity….