Out With The Old, In With The New

“A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye.”-Unknown

This is officially the last week of summer before we usher in the autumnal equinox. As we wave goodbye to summer, we can use this week to reflect on lessons learned, things accomplished, and what we desire for the upcoming season. It is never easy saying goodbye to the warm weather, summer vacations, and family time; however, Autumn is one of my favorite seasons of the year, which gives me time to slow down, rest, and hit reset. 

When I think of Autumn, I think of days becoming shorter, nights becoming longer, and spending more time reading, getting cozy, and drinking hot cocoa and tea. As Autumn begins, it is a time of abundance, harvest, and starting something new. In the last few months, I have been transforming from the old version and diving into a softer side of myself. I no longer wanted to cultivate hardship, suffering, and struggle. It was time to embody my new version, leading me to a softer, carefree, and refined lifestyle. And so, I decided to let go of summer gracefully and welcome Autumn with open arms. 

Simply letting go of the old and ushering in the new… 

Here are a few ways you can celebrate the arrival of the Autumn season:

Make a list of your favorite Fall movies.

Make a list of books you want to read.

Research local events, festivals, and concerts in your area.

Decorate your home for the Fall season.

Declutter your closet and determine what new pieces you will add to your Fall wardrobe.

Grocery shop for your favorite tea or hot cocoa.

Create an Autumn playlist. (check out mine here: https://tinyurl.com/wz9ad4f2 )

Love Notes….

Embracing A Slow Summer…

The summer is a time to bask in the glow of slowing down, finding your rhythm, and diving into the routine of stillness. However, we find ourselves encumber with an extensive to-do list, places to go, and itineraries to accomplish every summer. However, when we decide to take a different route by slowing down and infusing ourselves in the present moment, it is in this instance we can enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing. 

An Italian term, il dolce far niente, is translated into the meaning of the sweetness of doing nothing. Doing nothing requires us to be still and detach ourselves from the concept of mindless busyness. However, in America, we are brainwashed into believing our worth is connected to how hard we work, and our busyness equates to productivity. Recently, I have realized that slowing down has helped me become more productive. Also, I have discovered doing nothing is practical too.

This summer, I began to embrace an idea of a slow summer, with no agendas, no rushing, no plans, and accepting stillness. When my daughter was out of school every summer, we would plan our family trips and travel. But since she graduated, things have changed. A month ago, I told her we could make a down south road trip, and instead of anticipating her excitement, she declined the offer. At first, I was frustrated because it was routine for us to take summer trips, but I had to understand she was no longer in high school and her priorities had shifted. And so she suggested I take a summer trip by myself, and for the first time, I accepted the idea of asking myself what I desired to do for the summer?

Slowing down has become a new lifestyle for me that has been fun to implement. The slow living movement started in the 1980s with Carlo Petrini in Italy with the concept of the slow food movement. And now, in the United States, people are jumping on to this trend for a slower life. With the onset of the pandemic, people have felt exhausted in their careers and opted for a more sustainable and slow life.

Below are three key ways you can embrace summer’s slowness and enjoy the moment’s stillness.

  1. Say No to Overwhelm & Say Yes to what you want to do. When you say no to things you don’t enjoy, it makes room for what you really desire to do.
  2. It’s Okay To Do Nothing. Doing nothing is a form of productivity too.
  3. Be Still. It is easy to be busy but being intentional in getting away from the noise takes practice. 

More articles on slow living:

My favorite Youtuber for slow living: https://www.youtube.com/c/HelenaWoodshelenawoodstravels/videos

Do Less, Live More

You can listen to the podcast here: https://youtu.be/tRYKkyFw7vI

The summer solstice is a beautiful time to recalibrate your life slowly. Instead of rushing through each day, summer is a reminder to slow down and revel in the moments. We are shifting into longer days and better weather to enjoy. However, to enjoy this summer, reprioritizing your schedule for rest, relaxation, and fun is vital.

After spending a year in quarantine during the pandemic, everyone is ready to get back to traveling, connecting with family, and enjoying life. Now is the time to implement a life of doing less and living more. I genuinely believe summer is the beginning of us tapping into an energy of “just being” mode. I am going to be intentional about managing my time for rest, fun and enjoyment this summer. Many times I would find myself doing instead of being in the present moment. This summer I will travel less, write more & explore unknown territory.

Summertime can become a time to fall in love with living life in an abundant way, however giving up the daily rat race will be required in order to connect to the present moment. When we began to fall in love with our life every moment will be pleasurable. Summer is a season where we can leave the stress behind and dive into the pleasures of living our best life.

Below are a few ways you can begin to implement the concept of doing less and living more in your everyday life.

  • Let go of the stress. Let go of what you can’t control, embrace where you are now & create a solution list.
  • Prioritize Fun. We often schedule things we have to do in our calendar but rarely schedule in fun. Make a weekly goal to schedule something fun to do in your calendar this summer.
  • Balance Your Work & Personal Life. When you set boundaries you can create a balance between your work & personal life. (Ex: Be consistent about getting off of work at a specific time to enjoy yourself, family & friends. Don’t be scared to say NO to working overtime).

3 ways To Create A Memorable Summer!



With summer coming many people are excited about vacation and spending time with their family. However, I am passionate about creating memorable moments with my daughter. Although I am going to visit my family, I have decided to shorten my trip and plan smaller trips throughout the summer for my daughter and me to enjoy. It is so easy to get caught up in focusing on visiting so many people during your time off, however, what is more, important you planning trips that make you happy this summer even if it means disappointing others. Vacation is about unplugging from your routine and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

My main focus this summer will be unplugging from social media, reading books I love and being present in the moment. We can produce the most fabulous things when we focus on the present moment.

Below are three ways to create a memorable summer:

1. Unplug. The present moment is the most important moment in our lives. This summer take the time to take a break from social media and savor the memories.


2. Do what makes your soul happy. Too often we spend endless summers traveling to see family but have not schedule time to do what we desire. Make sure you schedule a personal trip in for yourself this summer, you deserve it!


3.  Create Memories That Last For A Lifetime. Spend this summer exploring new places and spaces to produce memories that will last forever. The goal is to spend money on experiences not things.


So, I challenge you this summer to do what makes you happy, focus on the present moment and create memories that will last forever!

30 Days of Stillness

In a world filled with the consumption of busyness it is very unusual in our American culture to take time to be still. Since I have been back in the United States it seems as if we consistently glorify busyness, as if it is a badge of honor. The glorification of being busy has caused many diseases, stress, breakdowns and much more for the American culture. People identify with the words “hustle”, “grind” and “go-getter” as a way to celebrate their busy lives. Too often we confuse productivity with busyness and vice versa. Therefore, slowing down is never a thought because we do more to be more to get more. Instead of finding the beauty in simplicity we rush through life missing out on it.

I remember when I lived abroad I cherished the simplicity of life and enjoyed the moments of downtime. Simplicity was not so foreign to me until I came back to the US.  I began to yearn for the days where being present in the moment was a joy. Although, I’ve been  back in the US for 11 years now I still have not adjusted to the hustle and bustle of busyness. However, I made a vow to myself to get back to the life of simplicity!

Every summer I spend time strategizing where I want to go and who I plan to visit yet, this summer I wanted to do something different. I decided to spend 30 days being still; doing absolutely nothing. And to be honest, I found so much enjoyment in relaxing, slowing down and being present in the moment. Although, you may not be able to take 30 days off to be still but you can pick a day to do absolutely nothing.

Here are a couple of things I learned from my month of slowing down.

1. It can wait. Sometimes what you think is a priority is not a priority so rearrange your list and take some time to slow down.

2. Staycation.  Staycations are the best vacations because it allows you to rest and refresh your whole being.

3. Stop chasing people. I spent too many summers and holidays on the road visiting people who had no intentions of visiting me. Save your gas and money for a trip you want to take alone.

4. Become a priority in your own life. Stop waiting until other people put you as a priority on their list. It is time you become number 1 on your own list.

5. Stillness is mindfulness. When you are consumed with the present moment you see the present in everyday living.

So, take the time to disconnect yourself from the spirit of busy and embrace the joys of living in the moment. 

Which lesson will you implement this week? Let me know in the comments.

Recap of June Blog Post

As we wrap up our June Series: Beauty, Books & The Beach we discussed the books you should have on your summer reading rotation, protecting your skin in the hot summer heat & ways you can utilize the beach to help you relax for this summer. Below are the provided the links to give you a recap of June articles. 

Summer Reading List

The Skin Files: Summer Skin Protection!

Beach Thearpy

Picture Reference: http://www.lovethispic.com/image/105975/goodbye-june 

Beach Therapy

Summer has officially arrived with kids out of school and beaches packed to capacity. As the heat beats and temperatures rise  the greatest place to stay cool and relaxed is at the beach. The beach is my favorite spot to go to when I want to feel the water tingle against my feet and get a clear perspective on my life. It is always soothing to get a good book to read when I am at the beach. 

The beach has a magical vibe especially during the week while everyone is working. The soothing swoosh of the waves have a melodic tune. When I look out into the water I get lost and let my thoughts wander aimlessly. It is great sense of healing and therapy to me when life seems to suffocate me.

Below are three ways you can use the beach as your own personal therapist to help you relax this summer:

1) Go Workout At The Beach. It is so refreshing when you decide to take your workout outdoors. It gives you a chance to connect with nature & start your morning off to a positive start. However, taking your morning jog, run or yoga exercise to the beach can be even more relaxing. It will help you connect with your inner self & create a positive mindset for your workout.

2) Meditate At The Beach. Meditation is one of the most important part of my morning routines. Taking your morning meditations to the beach can enhance your mental awareness, assist in your breathing techniques & help you visualize a beautiful picture as you look out in the sea.

3) Read A Book At The Beach. If you are a book lover like me books are a great form of relaxation. It helps you take your mind off the real world and allow you to bury yourself in a world of imagination. It is even more relaxing to take your favorite book to the beach & get lost in the beauty of the beach.

The summer is a great time to relax, unwind & embrace the joys of beach life, might as well get some beach therapy while the weather is still alluring!

The Skin Files: Summer Skin Protection!

The heat is beating down upon your skin all you want to do is go hide in the shade. The sun has become your worst enemy during the projected summer months. The forecast has doomed your skin to more exposure to the heat rays. What can you do to protect your skin during the hot sticky summer months? Well, have no fear as we give you some tips to protect your skin. No matter what shade of the rainbow your are, black, white etc. skin protection is gravely important during this time.

I remember a couple a years ago when I endured the sun burn phenom. The sun left my skin burnt to the crisp due to not reapplying my sunscreen on the beach. My skin still remains two tone from my sun burn and now my skin being protected is a major priority. Below are a few tips to help you savor your skin and survive the summer heat!

 Five Tips For Summer Skin Protection

1) Research: Since our body is made up 100% of skin it is our duty to take care of the skin we live in daily. It is important to research the appropriate sunscreen you should utilize for your skin. If you have acne, eczema or other skin irritations consult a dermatologist on which sunscreens will be beneficial for you!

2) SPF Protection: In order to get the most out of your sunscreen make sure you get a sunscreen lotion that at least has SPF 15 broad spectrum. The SPF broad spectrum protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays. If you opt to get a higher SPF protection be aware that a higher SPF protection band is not necessarily better.

3) Key Ingredients: According to David J. Leffell, MD, professor of dermatology and surgery at the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn it is important to,”look for a sunscreen that contains at least one of the following ingredients: ecamsule, avobenzone, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide sulisobenzone or zinc oxide”.  (Reference site: http://www.webmd.com/beauty/sun/whats-best-sunscreen)

4) Reapply: When you are at the beach make sure you reapply your sunscreen when you come out of the water. It might be ideal to get a sunscreen that has a lasting resistant to water or sweat.

5) Cover Every Inch: Do not forget to cover you face during the hot summer months. I f you apply a moisturizer that has an SPF protection it can assist you in protecting your skin. Also wear appropriate clothing to protect your skin such as a wide brimmed hat, long sleeves etc.

Your body is important so take the time to protect the skin you are in!

Reference site: http://www.webmd.com/beauty/sun/whats-best-sunscreen)

June Series: Beauty, Books & The Beach

In the month of June The Inspirational Corner theme is “Beauty, Books & The Beach”.  As summer quickly makes an appearance we will discuss the books you should have on your summer reading rotation, we will discuss tips to keep you cool & beautiful during the hot summer months. Lastly, we will give you tips on why the beach can be the best place to relax this summer.