Celebrating Winter Solstice

Winter solstice is when the days are shorter, darkness settles on the Earth, the weather seems colder, and hibernation is ideal. However, the winter can be a time of rest, stillness, and reflection.

I remember growing up in Detroit, Michigan, where winter lasts longer than any other season. I vowed never to live somewhere that winter existed. And so I kept that promise to myself, finding myself running away from the brutal cold. But upon relocating to Virginia at the beginning of this year, I realized it was time to confront my resentment of winter.

Whether hot, cold, or warm, every season has a specific time. I knew that as much as I loathed winter, it was time to embrace its significant role in my life.

Through my self-discovery, I learn winter is a time when I can slow down, meditate and reflect on my growth. With the end of 2022, I’m deciding to celebrate the onset of winter and not travel for the holidays. I decided to go into 2023 refresh, free and focused.

Over the years, I spent so much time on autopilot throughout the year, barely taking time to pause. But the older I get I want more moments of reflection. The winter solstice can give you time to prepare for the upcoming year in a calm, relaxing, and rejuvenating way.

So before you take a resentful path towards winter, figure out how to use this time to refocus and plan for your 2023.

The Joys Of Winter

While winter has reared its ugly head many of us are stationary due to the inclement weather that has cascaded throughout the northern and southern states. The snow has become a foe to many people who head to work in the treacherous cold each day. However, children welcome the light feathery dust that has fallen amidst from the sky. They are filled with joy to see the evidence of snow because they have a chance to make snow castles, snowmen and snow angels. The coldest time of the year is winter where we are forced to wear layers of skin to protect us from the cold. Although, winter can sometimes be pictured as a lackluster season we forget that it is the most beautiful season of the year. The snow glistens as icicles take form on rooftops, the sound of children laughing and throwing snowballs fill the atmosphere during the winter months. Winter is a sign of hibernation, as animals hide away to prepare for the spring. In the wintery months we are challenged to slow down not rushing to our destination. We are forced to hide away in the confinements of shelter and invent indoor activities when the schools shut down for our children. The children tend to have no complaints because they have a free day off from school while companies close down giving employees a day off from work. I have learned that winter can be the best season to learn how to slow down, rekindle some passions, and make time for family. Winter has a way of helping me realize that there is no need to rush but to embrace the simple moments. In American culture we are prone to the fast pace of life living in a microwavable generation unlike other cultures we do not know how to rest. We rush through each moment without taking time to slow down and smell the roses in life. Winter teaches us the lessons of enjoying the little things, reflecting on the bigger picture and slowly navigating through life. While winter still resides for the next couple of months I challenge you to take some time out of your busy schedule and embrace the magical joys of winter. Reflect, Refuel and Relax during the winter months…..